Bouquets & Arrangements


As we are a studio based florist, we require a minimum of 48 hours notice for any orders being made.

Thank you!



The Classic bouquet is the perfect gift for someone who loves to arrange their own flowers at home.

Wrapped in biodegradable paper, these bouquets are a simple and elegant present for all occasions.

Starting from £20.00

Hand-Tied Aqua

The Hand-Tied Aqua bouquet comes pre-arranged and in a bubble of water, to keep those flower nice and fresh.

Finished in a bag or box, these bouquets are a showstopper of a floral gift, ideal for someone who wants something ready to pop straight in a vase.

Starting from £35.00


Pot Arrangement

A Pot arrangement is the perfect easy gift for a loved one, colleague or even for yourself.

Whether you go for a country or contemporary style arrangement, these pieces are the easiest to look after. Simple keep them topped up with water and watch them bloom!

Starting from £35.00

Vase Arrangement

An elegant and sophisticated alternative, our vase arrangements create the same effect as recieving a bouquet with none of the hassle.

Simply place it on your favourite table or sideboard and enjoy!

Starting from £35.00

Flower Care Guide.

We’ve put together a quick & easy guide to how to make the most of your flowers!